SCSS Membership Pledge
All members must agree to the Code of Conduct and pledge upon becoming members, and annually upon renewing membership, committing to conduct activities in a manner that is consistent with the Society’s position on the direct-to-consumer marketing of stem cell-based interventions and medical innovation. The pledge shall be in the following format, or as otherwise revised by a majority vote of the Executive Committee: I also confirm that I have read Section 3.4 of the Guidelines for Stem Cell Research and Clinical Translation (2016), International Society for Stem Cell Research, and agree to conduct my research and practice within the provisions set out and in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations in Singapore. I further confirm that I will not engage in any practice or promotion of cellular or stem cell-based interventions that are unproven or inconsistent with such position or that is otherwise unethical. I understand and acknowledge that breach of this pledge is grounds for the removal of my membership. |