Cell Therapy Focus Group (CTFG)
According to business research and consulting firm Roots Analysis, the cell therapy manufacturing market is estimated to be worth over USD 8 Billion by 2030. The Singapore government is also investing $80million in cell manufacturing technologies. Therefore, there is growing interest in cell-and-tissue-based products as potential regenerative medicine for the future. However, the local regulatory framework and safety of cell therapies are still being established. Therefore, there is a need to bring together professionals from healthcare, cell manufacturing and research to discuss how Singapore should advance in the field of cell therapy.
The idea of forming networking group in cell therapy field started around late 2017 (Announced at SCSS Annual Symposium in Nov 2017). In forming the Cell Therapy Focus Group (CTFG), the Stem Cell Society Singapore (SCSS) expanded beyond stem cells to cell therapy which involves any kind of living cells as well as other relevant commercial and research areas. CTFG aims to provide informative seminars and networking opportunities supported by local key players in the field. The first CTFG event was successfully held in May 2018 with participation of professionals from all relevant sectors (Academia, industry, government, etc.). Since then, regular CTFG events have been organised and SCSS seek your active participation, suggestion, and support! (More details past and upcoming CTFG sessions on the Events page) |